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Parkano Local History Museum

Parkano Local History Museum is closed, open again next summer. Welcome!

Kirkkopolku 1 |

The Local History Museum showcases Parkano’s local traditions. Housed in a grain storehouse built in 1890, next to Parkano Church, there is an exhibition dedicated to Gustaf Wrede af Elimä, the Parkano Baron. It features a local chamber and living room, along with various tools used during that time. On the upper floor, a large collection of old items from Parkano Church can be found, including artifacts related to the lightning strike that hit the church’s bell tower on Midsummer’s Day, June 24, 1928.

The museum’s unique features include the work tools of village cobbler Hilja Mäkinen and the local midwife Anna Helminen, an exhibition showcasing the making of pettu bread (a type of Finnish bread), and a replica of Germund Paaer’s version of Gallen-Kallela’s “Defense of the Sampo”.

Local History Museum Tour, YouTube

Parkano Baron Gustaf Wrede af Elimä

Parkano Baron Gustaf Wrede af Elimä served as the forest manager for the Parkano area from 1893 until his retirement in 1917. After that, his main hobby was involvement in the Civil Guard activities. Known for his distinctive dress, the Baron became famous throughout Parkano due to his work.

At Civil Guard camps, people were fascinated by the old, long-bearded man who shared his Finnish War memories by the campfire and naturally joined the generals. As a result, the Baron became a well-known figure across Finland, and his name is still remembered to this day.

On October 23, 2019, it had been 80 years since the death of Parkano Baron Gustaf Wrede af Elimä. To honor his memory, it is hoped that the Baron will continue to be remembered as one of the most significant historical figures from Parkano. A statue of the Parkano Baron was erected in the center of Parkano, created by Tauno Vuorenniemi in 2012. The statue is named “The Spirit of the Baron.”